Thursday, January 21, 2016


Good Morning All,

Welcome to my personal blog for the Capstone course in the University of Memphis MBA program. While students have been encouraged to utilize several different methods/platforms to promote interactive learning (as I am enrolled in the online MBA program), this is the first time I have ever been responsible for my own blog. I am definitely looking forward to expressing my thoughts and concept comprehension; however, just a quick disclaimer this is my first blog so please forgive the lack of conciseness or textbook rhetoric that may appear from time to time in my posts. I will certainly do my best to ensure that my voice regarding the application of these topics is not lost in these posts.

For the purpose of this assignment, I have chosen Chipotle as my company of interest. Recently, the popular "new-age" fast food chain has come under increased scrutiny and boycott during the health scares that have occurred as a result of consuming the chain's food. Established in 1993, Chipotle has always prided itself on organic and hormone-free products in their dishes and an overall responsibility to the customer in providing these more healthful options. However, the company is has completely dropped the ball on its mantra of "Food with Integrity" as many patrons have reported serious illness as a result of Ecoli bacteria bring present in the food.

While this happens from time to time in restaurant chains, Chipotle has been somewhat slow to remedy the re-occurring issues in all of its restaurants. As a result, Chipotle has decided to close all of stores on February 8, 2016 to calm the public's fears and make sure all contaminated products are removed from their establishments. However, for the majority of the public these actions are too late as many have discontinued eating at the popular chain.

As a result, I felt that this was a good company to follow as I can utilize the framework of the class to examine their rebuilding efforts and overall company growth. Looking forward to seeing how much Chipotle values integrity in it's new business model and how this will impact the company and similar restaurants.